Tradition of Vajra Yogini Tantra

The tradition of Varja Yogini Tantra begins in the Agama Tantra. A tradition that has come down from primordial perfect being and guru of all, Shiva Svacchanda Bhairava. In the tradtional guru disciple system of tantra, we have received the wisdom tradition of Vajra Yogini Tantra from Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra who has received it from his guru- Maha Siddha KaliMati Nath, one of the greatest female Maha Siddha of these times who chose to live incognito, away from the public glare. She is the head of Vajra Kaamaa Kula which is the main source of Vaam Marga tantra in the tradition.
Bhagvan Ishaputra Bhairava Ji
MahaSiddha KaliMati Nath Ji

Vama Marga & Aghora

The tradition traces its route to Shiva Svacchanda Bhairava through many enlightened Maha Siddhas like Maha Siddha Matsyendra Nath and Maha Kapalik Khabbal Khaulika who encorporated Yoga Kriya, TantraKriya & Rasayana Alchemical Kriya along with rituals and mantras in Vaam Marg and Aghora. He created a unique and refined tradition for Vajra Yogini which contained all the elements he incorporated through Vaam Marg and Aghora. Maha Siddha Matsyenda Nath is instrumental in giving Vajra Yogini Darshana or philosophy.

Many branches of Vajra Yogini Tantra were taught in various traditions or Kula in Kaulantak Peeth. To name a few here - Guhya Kapalik tradition, Gupta Yogini Kula, Guptatara Yogini Kula, Para Yogini Kula and Apara Yogini Kula. The Kaama Shastra of Maha Siddha Brihaspati also derives from Vajra Yogini Tantra.

Misinterpretations outside the lineage

The tradition of Vajra Yogini Tantra of Kulluta Siddhas is very vast and very ancient. Naturally over millenia, certain branches of Vajra Yogini Tantra got mixed with misinterpretations especially in a certain off-shoot tradition that Maha Siddha Shukracharya taught to some of his disciples in ancient time, got corrupted over a period of time by the time this wisdom tradition of Vajra Yogini Tantra which originated from tradition of Siddhas and Kaulas in Kulutta Mandala, reached Bhota Desha (Tibet).

In Bhota Desh, apart from practitioners of Siddha Dharma, legends of Vajra Yogini reached other Dharma as well. But by that time, the original tradition of Vajra Yogini was lost in its purity. The incomplete tantra was mixed with many baseless ideas and often wrong interpretations. As a consequence, one can find volumes of books on Vajra Yogini today but most of them are without true knowledge and merely echoes of each others work - which is based on adulterated and tampered tradition, creating a lot of confusion and, has become impotent and irrelevant for the current times.  

Sanctity & Sanctions

This is not new but happened around thousand years ago. This was the reason that two great Maha Siddha Vishwamitra Nath and Maha Siddha Vashistha Nath put a subtle lock (kilan) to the Vajra Yogini tantra practices to keep its sanctity. But unfortunately, this great tradition of Vajra Yogini Tantra which once influenced all aspects of life in the orient- especially in India for the development of body, mind and various arts forms, by the middle ages, had seen much restrictions on practices and places to practice. The tradition and practices faced harsh judgements in the clash of civilization. The world views of different religions which held the bold and often sensual practices of Vajra Yogini as immoral made it hard for practitioners to refine their tantra. 
Due to the restrictive society, women who dared to approach the bold practices of Vajra Yogini Tantra were criticized, shamed and shunned. This resulted in eventually restricting this supreme Vajra Yogini Tantra to only be practiced in the deep Himalayan mountains or hidden away from the judgmental and prejudiced glares. But now, the gurus and the Maha siddhas of Himalaya feel the world should have a chance to receive the teachings of Vajra Yogini Tantra in its purest essence.